Wildlife of Botswana

Botswana is a landlocked country in southern Africa. The country includes a mix of woodlands, grasslands, and the Kalahari Desert. It has seven game resorts and three national parks.

Official National Animal

Burchell’s zebra

Official National Bird

Eastern cattle egret

Botswana’s best national parks for wildlife are:

Central Kalahari Game Reserve is located in one of the largest deserts in the world.

Desert-adapted animals here include lions, hyenas, aardvarks, aardwolves, bat-eared foxes, meerkats, and porcupines

Chobe National Park is among the best wildlife destinations in Africa

Here around the Chobe Riverfront area, you can find some of the largest elephants in Africa

Moremi Game Reserve is a Big Five reserve

It has the largest population of red lechwe in Africa as well as a large African wild dog population

Lions are the largest and most sociable of Africa’s cats

African elephants are the largest land mammals and the heaviest land animals in the world

Rhinoceroses are among the Big Five animals to spot in the wild

African buffalo are bad-tempered and dangerous

Leopards are the shyest and least social of animals

Hyenas have learned to adapt to most African ecosystems

Hippos are semi-aquatic safari animals

Giraffes are among the most popular animals in the African savannah

Meerkats are desert animals and live in all parts of the Kalahari Desert

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