For the Love of Owls

Interesting owl breeds

Long-eared owls make their homes in North America, Europe, and Asia. They often live in the deserted nests of such birds as hawks, ravens, or magpies. These owls are known as the most slender owls in North America.

They have long, close-set ear tufts that they hold flat to their heads when in flight, orange faces with blackish highlights around the eyes, and dark streaking and barring on their undersides. To protect against predators long-eared owls can blend in with their surroundings with their sleek silhouettes. These owls prefer to roost in dense foliage next to tree trunks where their slimness and dappled brown plumage make them almost invisible.

Their diets consist of small mammals. Male owls begin a courtship ritual with aerial displays and calls and afterward, they form monogamous pairs. The female then lays a clutch of two or ten eggs in a stick nest abandoned by another bird. The female incubates the eggs but while on the nest the male brings her food. She will brood until the new hatchling can leave the nest.

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