Taking It Easy


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Now that the days have become slow and lazy and the sun is shining bright I always look to find the most comfortable places to relax. Just recently papa pulled out an old sofa cushion from the garage and it is a great place to lay back at any time of the day.

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When it gets dark I turn on my night lights.

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Sid quote: Always take the time to find the most comfortable place to relax on a warm sunny day.


On Top Of the World

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I always sit upon a windowsill,

up on the second story,

from there I can see the world all around me

and then happy I can be.

What more does a cat need,

than to be able to be so very close,

to birds in flight across the skies,

fresh smelling pine trees,

always able to feel so free.

Sitting on top of my world,

I can see far and wide,

everything I see,

makes me glad ā€“

to be living in my paradise.

When I climb on down,

to venture out into the garden,

it is always a joy for me,

to see the green ferns growing,

then all summer I can enjoy their shade

and hide beneath them ā€“

until Iā€™m ready once more to sit on top of my world.

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Sid quote: When you want to see nature in all of its beauty always make sure you have a great view from the very top.


Outside My Window

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Outside my window

I have a nature film

the apple tree is in blossom

pink flowering branches

waving in the breeze.

Oh, what joy it brings to me!


outside my window

I have an orchestra,

birds big and small

singing in the apple tree

feeling so free.

Oh, what joy it brings to me!


outside my window

I see the beginnings of spring.

birds on the wing

looking for places to nest

flying by with twigs and grass

Oh, what joy it brings to me!


outside my window

my cat Sid on the sill

looking at all the wonder

my cat only has to ponder

how to get the bird thatā€™s in the tree

what a lark, what a spree

seeing the bird and the cat

living side by side

Oh, what joy it brings to me!


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Sid quote: When settling down for an afternoon nap always pick the most comfortable chair and choose the most comfortable position for your nap.

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