Summertime Fun

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Summertime is the best time,

for having fun beneath the sun.

Off I go into the garden,

so many things to do and see.

When mom potted a fern,

I just had to have a closer look.

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From the grass,

to the bench,

to the fence –

always have a lot of summertime fun.

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Sid quote: When it’s summertime the best place to be is in the great outdoors.


Midsummer’s Solstice


Yesterday started the traditional Midsummer’s Solstice celebrations in Latvia. I knew the best thing for me was to get a good sleep so I could stay up late to party. My mama and papa were grilling and spent a lot of time outdoors. I participated just so I could get some good stuff to eat and enjoy the cooler evening air.

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Sid quote: When the party is over find a favorite position and dream sweet dreams.

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Best Of Days

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The best of days begin by waking up in a favorite sleeping place.

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After breakfast enjoying some time in a favorite cupboard.

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Taking some time to enjoy a snooze in the garden.

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Enjoying some time out in the garden among the ferns.

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And settling down again at night.

Sid quote: The best of days are always the ones when you can do all the things you love to do.