Wildlife of the United Arab Emirates

The United Arab Emirates is a country in Asia located in the western part of the continent, at the crossroads of Asia, Africa, and Europe. It is situated on the Arabian Peninsula. The most popular city is Dubai and the capital is Abu Dhabi.

Native Animals

Arabian oryxes are the most important animals in the UAE. They’re the country’s national emblem living in the arid areas of the Arabian Peninsula.

Arabian wolves are subspecies of gray wolves. They’re the smallest of all wolves and adapted to the desert environment

Blanford’s foxes are a small species of foxes

Striped hyenas are a species of hyenas that are native to northern and eastern Africa and the Middle East, Central Asia, the Indian subcontinent, and the Caucasus.

Arabian tahrs are a species of wild goats native to eastern Arabia

Asiatic caracals are a medium-sized species of wild cats

Cape hares are a species of hares that are native to Africa and the Arabian Peninsula

Egyptian fruit bats are a species of megabats


Sooty falcons are a medium-sized species of falcons native to northeastern Africa and the Arabian Peninsula

Bonelli’s eagles are large birds of prey

Lappet-faced vultures are a large species of Old World vultures

MacQueen’s bustards are a large species of birds in the bustard family. They’re native to the steppes and deserts of Asia

Red-billed tropicbirds are a species of tropicbirds native to the subtropical and tropical coastlines for the Atlantic and East Pacific Oceans

Marine Animals

Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins are a species of dolphins native to the coastal waters of the western Pacific and the eastern Indian Oceans. The largest population of these dolphins is along the coast of Abu Dhabi.

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