Wildlife of Botswana

Botswana is a landlocked country in southern Africa. The country includes a mix of woodlands, grasslands, and the Kalahari Desert. It has seven game resorts and three national parks.

Official National Animal

Burchell’s zebra

Official National Bird

Eastern cattle egret

Botswana’s best national parks for wildlife are:

Central Kalahari Game Reserve is located in one of the largest deserts in the world.

Desert-adapted animals here include lions, hyenas, aardvarks, aardwolves, bat-eared foxes, meerkats, and porcupines

Chobe National Park is among the best wildlife destinations in Africa

Here around the Chobe Riverfront area, you can find some of the largest elephants in Africa

Moremi Game Reserve is a Big Five reserve

It has the largest population of red lechwe in Africa as well as a large African wild dog population

Lions are the largest and most sociable of Africa’s cats

African elephants are the largest land mammals and the heaviest land animals in the world

Rhinoceroses are among the Big Five animals to spot in the wild

African buffalo are bad-tempered and dangerous

Leopards are the shyest and least social of animals

Hyenas have learned to adapt to most African ecosystems

Hippos are semi-aquatic safari animals

Giraffes are among the most popular animals in the African savannah

Meerkats are desert animals and live in all parts of the Kalahari Desert

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Wildlife of Benin

Benin is a country located in West Africa. It is mostly tropical with a northern desert capstone. Benin is home to approximately 188 animal species.

Official National Animal

Leopard which is also depicted on the Coat of Arms

Cheetahs are among the most iconic animals of the African wilderness

Lions can be looked upon as the symbols of Africa

White-tailed mongooses are one of the nocturnal predators of sub-Saharan Africa

Olive baboons are a very important part of the wildlife of Africa

Leopard tortoises inhabit East and South African savannas

African buffalos always live in herds with a linear dominance hierarchy

Sitatungas are a species of antelopes found throughout Central Africa and inhabit swamps

Common patas monkeys are a terrestrial species of monkeys inhabiting semi-arid areas of Central and West Africa

Red-headed rock agamas are a colorful species of lizards native to sub-Saharan Africa

Hippopotamuses are among the largest land mammals on the planet. They’re herbivorous, semi-aquatic, and native to sub-Saharan Africa

Caracals are a medium-sized species of wild cats native to Africa


Black-crowned cranes are a species of birds that are famous for their golden crowns

Marine Animals

Nile crocodiles are the second-largest living reptiles in the world. They inhabit aquatic areas like rivers, lakes, swamps, and marshlands and usually prefer freshwater

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Wildlife of Angola

Angola is a coastal country located in southwestern Africa. The country has nearly 2,000 species of flora and fauna with hundreds of animals that are indigenous to Angola.

National Animal

Royal sable antelope

National Bird

Red-crested turaco

Native Animals

Giant otter shrews can be seen in northern Angola

Aardvarks are spread throughout most of the continent, from sub-Saharan Africa all the way to South Africa

Red-tailed monkeys are small primates that make their homes in Central African countries

Plains zebras are the most common zebra species, They live in several southern African countries

African bush elephants are one of two African elephant species, the other being the African forest elephant

Chacma baboons originated in South Africa and slowly spread northward

Typical striped grass mice

African leopards make their home in most of sub-Saharan Africa

Spotted hyenas are typical African animals

Bat-eared foxes live in the African savanna


Greater flamingos are the most famous flamingos and the largest

Kori bustards are the largest flying birds native to Africa

Marine Animals

Byde’s whales live off the coastline in the Atlantic Ocean

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Wildlife of Algeria

Algeria is a North African country officially known as the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria. It has a coastline along the Mediterranean Sea. The country is ecologically diverse with chotts, mountains, and wetlands.

Official National Animal

Fennec fox

Native Animals

Cuvier’s gazelles live in woodland habitats in Algeria, Morocco, Western Sahara, and Tunisia

Side-striped jackals make their homes in the Algerian desert as well as in woodland areas

North African boars can be found in Algeria, Morocco, and Tunisia

Jerboas are small desert animals and they are very fast hoppers

Barbary macaques are native to the Atlas Mountains in both Algeria and Morocco

North African fire salamanders are native to Algeria. They make their homes in temperate forests, rivers, and caves.


Algeria has a large population of birds and is popular with birdwatchers. You can see:

North African ostriches




Marine Animals

Blue sharks are the most common sharks in the Mediterranean Sea and found off the coast of Algeria

Sahara frogs dwell in the streams, oasis pools, irrigation canals, and lakes of the Sahara desert

Pygmy killer whales are a rare species of oceanic dolphin

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